ÖMI Conference 2022

The Conference of the Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences will take place on October 25th, starting at 9:45 in Oecologicum, J. Liivi st 2, Tartu, ground floor auditorium (room 127). The conference is in English.

Registration is open until October 15th.


9:45–10:15 Arrival, registration, coffee
10:15–10:20 Opening words
10:20–11:00 Keynote: Kristjan Lepik (Arbonics)
11:0011:10 Break
11:10–11:30 Department of Geology: Magdaleena Männik - Assessing the vulnerability of groundwater in Estonia
11:30–11:50 Department of Geology: Päärn Paiste - What we do in the shadows
11:5012:00 Break
12:00–12:20 Department of Zoology: Leonard Opare - Please maintain social distance: Quantifying the effects of larval density on black soldier fly larvae life history and immunity
12:20–12:40 Department of Zoology: Asko Lõhmus - Future of the Estonian biodiversity: forests, wetlands, and small water bodies
12:4014:00 Free time / individual lunch break
14:00–14:20 Department of Geography: Ago Tominga - What smartphone tracking reveals us about human behavior during crises
14:20–14:40 Department of Geography: Ivika Ostonen - The allocation of carbon and biomass in belowground
14:4014:50 Break
14:50–15:10 Centre for Science Education: Moonika Teppo - Society needs a motivated youth: identifying and promoting lower secondary school students’ intrinsic motivation towards science learning
15:10–15:30 Centre for Science Education: Anne Laius - Biology education from the point of view of general school students and pre-service teachers.
15:3015:40 Coffee Break
15:40–16:00 Department of Botany: Niloufar Hagh Doust - Fungal symbionts, to be or not to be, that is the question...
16:00–16:20 Department of Botany: Guillermo Bueno - The role of plant biotic interactions in the current biodiversity challenges
16:20–16:25 Closing words
16:25... Discussion and Snacks
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