Rauno Lust will defend his doctoral thesis “Bioelectrochemical systems for enhanced removal of nitrate from water with a low electron donor concentration”
Time: 23.08.2022 kell 12:15
Place: Oecologicum, Liivi 2-127
Name: Tauri Tampuu
Title: Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry as a tool for monitoring the dynamics of peatland surface
University of Tartu starts the project "Climate awareness from school to society: empowering children, youth and teachers to reduce the effects of climate change" with partners.
Doctoral defence: Alisa Krasnova “Greenhouse gas fluxes in hemiboreal forest ecosystems”
J. Liivi 2-127
22 June 2022
Korraldaja: ökoloogia ja maateaduste instituut
On 24 May at 14:15 Triin Kaasiku will defend her doctoral thesis “A wader perspective to Boreal Baltic coastal grasslands: from habitat availability to breeding site selection and nest survival”