Topic: research

University of Tartu researcher received Europe’s most prestigious research grant to study the formation, cycle and effect of laughing gas emitted from peat soils
Ülo Mander received the Advanced Grant from the European Research Council to study the N2O cycle, its links to climate change, and land-use practices that could help curb its production in the future.
04. July 2023 sustainabilityresearch
Doctoral defence: Daniyal Gohar “Diversity, genomics, and potential functions of fungus-inhabiting bacteria”
On 20 June at 14:15 Daniyal Gohar will defend his doctoral thesis “Diversity, genomics, and potential functions of fungus-inhabiting bacteria”.
29. May 2023 researchfor society
All young scientist awards of the Cultural Foundation of the President of the Republic went to University of Tartu researchers
Young Scientist Award, the Young Environmental Scientist Award and the Young IT Scientist Award of the Cultural Foundation of the President of the Republic went to University of Tartu researchers
23. May 2023 research
Doctoral defence: Ciara Baines “Adaptation to oncogenic pollution and natural cancer defences in the aquatic environment”
On 9 June at 10:15 Ciara Baines will defend her doctoral thesis “Adaptation to oncogenic pollution and natural cancer defences in the aquatic environment”, J. Liivi 2-127 (Tartu) and online
22. May 2023 researchfor society
University of Tartu supports the work towards the market-readiness of research results with €300,000
In this year's call for applications for the University of Tartu Feasibility Fund grants, nine projects were awarded funding for one-year development work.
Doctoral defence: Madli Jõks“Biodiversity drivers in oceanic archipelagos and habitat fragments, explored by agent-based simulation models”
On 26 May at 10:15 Madli Jõks will defend her doctoral thesis “Biodiversity drivers in oceanic archipelagos and habitat fragments, explored by agent-based simulation models”
03. May 2023 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Mirjam Uusõue “Suspended particles dynamics and characteristics in optically complex waterbodies”
Doctoral defence: Mirjam Uusõue “Suspended particles dynamics and characteristics in optically complex waterbodies”, 10 May 12:15, J. Liivi 2-127
21. April 2023 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Ivo Sibul “Ground-penetrating radar in Estonia: from fieldwork to open data reuse”
On 22 May at 10:15 Ivo Sibul will defend his doctoral thesis ”Ground-penetrating radar in Estonia: from fieldwork to open data reuse“ for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Geology).
20. April 2023 researchfor society