Outcome agreements for achieving the goals of the Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences
Outcome agreements for achieving the goals of 2024
- Increasing the number of graduates from bachelor's programs in the fields of science and technology.
- Enhancing the participation in student mobility programs, including better awareness of study abroad opportunities; more active utilization of the opportunities offered by the Erasmus program and the international network of universities, Enlight.
- Incorporating the use of AI chatbots in learning and teaching.
- Development of e-learning in the fields of science and technology.
- Strategically recruiting top researchers and supporting succession and repatriation.
- Increasing the proportion of foreign students and staff participating in Estonian language courses.
- Increasing the proportion of academic staff actively engaged in teaching development activities.
- Developing doctoral studies, including implementing measures for the new period of doctoral schools and collaborating with non-university partners from the private and public sectors. During the administrative agreement period, opening at least 51 doctoral study places in fields of science and technology in collaboration with non-university partners.
- Supporting the sustainable development centre at the University of Tartu to facilitate collaboration between fields, and intensifying collaboration with government agencies in achieving Estonia's long-term development goals.
- Implementing a support fund for scientific equipment.
- Motivating researchers to increase collaboration with the business sector in all fields.
- Increasing employee salaries to retain and motivate high-level academic and support staff, and to enhance salary competitiveness.
- The university as an employer valuing diversity and inclusivity: adherence to diversity agreements, including supporting the adaptation of foreign employees, fulfilling gender equality plans, adhering to principles of equal treatment, and increasing awareness of equal treatment through communication activities.
- Initiating activities funded by the Just Transition Fund for Ida-Viru County and related communication.
- Contributing to sustainable waste management in university buildings.
- Increasing the number of graduates from bachelor's programs through improving the quality of curricula and teaching, expanding internship opportunities, introducing career prospects, etc.
- Enhancing the participation in student mobility programs, including better awareness of study abroad opportunities; more active utilization of the opportunities offered by the Erasmus program and the international network of universities, Enlight: increasing the number of Erasmus program partners, organizing information events and experience-sharing seminars, participating in Enlight network activities.
- Incorporating the use of AI chatbots in learning and teaching: participating in a committee created by the Vice Rector for Studies (I. Hiiesalu) to promote and develop the effective use of chatbots.
- Supporting succession and repatriation: implementing grants for newly graduated PhD researchers and returning young researchers.
- Increasing the proportion of foreign students and staff participating in Estonian language courses: providing institute-based language learning opportunities.
- Increasing the proportion of academic staff actively engaged in teaching development activities: specific trainings in all departments, series of seminars for the development of teaching.
- Developing doctoral studies, including implementing measures for the new period of doctoral schools and collaborating with non-university partners from the private and public sectors: in 2024, opening at least 3 doctoral study places at the institute in collaboration with non-university partners.
- Supporting the sustainable development centre at the University of Tartu to facilitate collaboration between fields, and intensifying collaboration with government agencies in achieving Estonia's long-term development goals: participating in the sustainable development centre’s work; collaborating with the Ministry of Climate, Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Affairs, Ministry of Economic Affairs; participating in the work of the Research and Development Council.
- Implementing a support fund for scientific equipment: upgrading equipment in the Department of Geography (completing the action of 2023); upgrading scientific equipment in the Department of Geology (in 2024).
- Motivating researchers to increase collaboration with the business sector.
- Increasing employee salaries to retain and motivate high-level academic and support staff, and to enhance salary competitiveness.
- The university as an employer valuing diversity and inclusivity: adherence to diversity agreements, including supporting the adaptation of foreign employees, fulfilling gender equality plans, adhering to principles of equal treatment, and increasing awareness of equal treatment.
- Initiating activities funded by the Just Transition Fund for Ida-Viru County and related communication: supporting the activities of the Department of Geology funded by the Just Transition Fund.