Prof Sierd Cloetinghi külalisloengute sari "Tectonic and Sedimentary Basin Dynamics"

prof Sierd Cloetinghi loengusari
Kairi Põldsaar

2.-4. oktoobrini 2023 toimub Tartu Ülikooli geoloogia osakonnas kolmepäevane teaduslike loengute sari "Tectonic and Sedimentary Basin Dynamics", mida viib läbi Utrechti Ülikooli auprofessor Sierd Cloetingh. Prof Cloetingh on üks tippteadlastest tektoonika uurimise alal, olles avaldanud üle 380 teadusartikli rahvusvahelistes eelretsenseeritud ajakirjades ja vastutanud ligi 80 doktorandi juhendamise eest.

Loengusarja kava

2. oktoober 2023
9.15- 10.45 Introduction to tectonics and sedimentary basins
11.15-12.45 lithospheric structure and tectonics
14.00-15.30 Application of kinematic models for extensional basin formation, intracratonic basins and foreland basins to case histories
16.00-17.00 Discussion and introduction back-ground reading

3. oktoober 2023
9.15-10.45 Thermo-mechanical models for formation rifted margin and back-arc basins : The NW European continental margin and the Black Sea basin system
11.15-12.45 interplay of back-arc extension and orogeny: the Pannonian/Carpathian system
14.00-15.30 Compressional basin formation by lithospheric folding (Central Iberia) and foreland basin evolution (Ebro Basin, NE Spain)
16.00-17.00 Discussion and review back ground reading material

4. oktoober 2023
9.15-10.45 Application to geothermal energy exploration
11.15-12.45 Plume-lithosphere interactions and consequences for intraplate volcanism, rifted margin formation and initiation of subduction
14.00-15.30 Introduction to TOPO-EUROPE and its main results
16.00-17.00 the next phase of TOPO-EUROPE : a forward look

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